Heys~ here are pictures i have promised. though they are a little disorganised. okay very disorganised but its okay what. XD hahas. they are really random okay. pictures from both the past and present. but mostly present. hahas. alrighties. enjoy~

Mooncake celebration grp photo. well not everyone is there though.

With everyone inside. The standard yu jian smile. though there are a few spoilers here and there. X(


a wacky shot!

Candles with a heart! XD

erm.. alittle weird in shape. but good effort! XD

Free kisses anyone?

Playgirl of the year! XD

is my tie in place?

oh yeah it is. XD

Smiles! :)




Heys! Dont forget to buy it! XD more like model

A uber blur pic of me. X(

Lao shi's late Piggy. X(

Guess who?
Ans: Di. XD

MY CUE! well just the tip. XD

Lao shi's new member in the family. ViVi!!

Stuff toys suicide!!!!

Racial Harmony Day!!!

Pretty Boy!!! XD

Another @o@!!!!!

Courtesy of Jun wei~

Batman? no idea. ask stacey. XD