Wednesday, December 02, 2009

School, lunch, shop, play.

yes. you realised that something uber important is missing there. the S_ _ _ _ word. i shall not mention it. i can't stand it. so much for self motivation and drive. okay fine. i am being whiny, irritating, and you must seriously be wondering " why can't you just study lah?" am i wrong.
okay fine. i shall not share my burden to my poor readers here.

i apologise.

why should i?
its just the way i am. i do things i like. any time. any where.
its me. if you can't accept it. then thats your problem. you just have to accept me for me. not something i am not. okays....^^
Thats where true friends come about.
i will (L) you guys for life.
don't forget. i will always be here, even if i am a bitch at times. ^^

end of transmission.
time for bed...

ps. IPOD LIVES!!!! MUHAHAHAHS!!!! *sounds like some mad scientist that discovered/invented something of the century. *

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