Monday, May 31, 2010

Hey heys. YES! It's that time of the year again. The mid-sem tests! Hurray! Not. I'm gonna start blabbing again~
How funny that time flies when you have having fun or not. *yes yes, i knw.....* With a blink of an eye, or two, weeks have gone past. All those lazing around, fun, joy and laughter was enjoyed. And its that time of the year to study!! Yah~
Yes yes, this post was meant for me to not feel so guilty for not studying and letting my mind wonder off... Sigh...

OH well!!!! I'm about to finish my first roll of film on my BBF!!!!
Can't wait to finish and develop it!
Will upload it *no idea how...anyone have a scanner i could borrow?* once its developed. Still looking for a cheap and fast developer though. Any recommendations?

Oh Righty! I should really hit the books now~~~

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