Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hey peps~ hahas... its been a few days since i have updated... well nothing exciting actually happen within this period of time. except that i scored B3 for my chinese~ whoopedoo.... hahas... it was really unexpected. really. hahas. no. seriously.*gives the serious look* heehees.... sorry. I'm just over the moon now. no. more likely to be over Jupiter now. unhuh. hahas. well/ count down to one day to the last day of the prelims. yeah. i guess. hahas. goans. i am so bored. -.-
oh yars. i just finish reading new moon. and its absolutely positively great. i manage to finish it in neck breaking speed. even bel praised me on the time taken for me to finish the book. the school has the book. but its with bel right now~ hahas. okay. o level result:check. Book review:check. oh darn. my list is empty now. i am absolutely positively out of topics to talk about. haiz..... i feel so lost.... not like a sheep in the meadow. they are like a thousand times dummer than me. PLUESE~ i am so much more brilliant than a mere baahhhh.... alright alrights. i shall stop my nonsensical blabbing and go get dinner....


hahas get it?

its a sheep you nut head. goans. am i the only one who get the joke. oh wait i am the only one. gaahs... :-S